Monday, April 25, 2011

Another day, another blog...

I made a new blog and I want this one to focus on good health, fun exercises, my favorite recipes, and daily thoughts. My perception of balance is slowly improving and I am evolving into a healthier girl every day. So please, let me share

with you what I’ve learned about nutrition from my own experience.

I find myself tired when I’m eating too much...

refined sugars, foods with artificial coloring/flavorings, greasy food, not enough protein/too many simple carbohydrates and white flour. The fuel and satisfaction holds a short life which makes me sleepier and hungrier later. I was really tired while I was in the hospital and when I came home from the hospital. Partially from blood loss, partially from malnourishment! Now that I am getting better I am responsible for helping myself to good nutrition, and hopefully you’ll do the same! (I am not naming names… You know who you are!)

I feel healthiest when I am:

drinking enough water and eating plenty of fresh fruits. Consuming minimum sugar (I prefer natural sugars like maple syrup in my oatmeal, natural fruit juices, and maybe agave in tea.) Whole grain breads, cereal, pasta, and rice provide me with more energy.

The proteins I consume are usually:

wild salmon, occasionally shrimp, canned tuna fish, tofu, tempeh, legumes, eggs, dairy-free milks, and cheeses. (provolone, mozzarella, and swiss.) I am trying to really stray away from packaged faux meats, I just don’t see the need for them. (Some contain a lot of sodium and unnecessary ingredients.) Although, I find: Gardein, Amy’s burgers, and Field Roast exceptionally yummy.


Nut butters, nuts in general, seeds, tahini (fresh hummus anyone?), olive oil, coconut (oil, butter, milk, and ice cream!), avocados, and earth balance butters. I think the only time I eat canola oil when is I’m eating out or if my mom made fried plantains, and sometimes in my baking.


Freshly baked vegan goodies are always appreciated. Though, I occasionally eat Swedish fish and never say no to an ice cream cone because… baby, I deserve it! Part of being balanced is allowing yourself to enjoy what you like once in while without eating the entire carton of ice cream! You really learn to appreciate and savor the sweet more. It’s weird because sometimes I can’t even finish an Oreos and other packaged cookies because they leave a weird aftertaste in my mouth. It’s like my taste buds have been trained!

Fruits and Vegetables:

My favorite vegetable is easily the asparagus. Canned, steamed, and roasted. You name it, mmm! My goal is to experiment with more rooted vegetables like: parsnips, jicama, and assorted squashes. Next would be vegetables from the cabbage family! As for fruits, traditionally I eat a banana once a day; I love berries, and tropical fruits. Avocados, tomatoes, kiwis, and anything else pitted. The only fruit I’m not crazy about is the GRAPEFUIT! I haven’t developed an appetite for it and it is a little biter. Without another word I will end this post by saying, cheers to anyone else who wants to achieve balance, be healthy, and really enjoy the beautiful things in life.
